Minggu, 11 April 2010

Folder Locker And How to break into the Folder Locker

Haloo pal. . Glad to meet you. . . 

In the post this time I would Inform Little Info About How To Create Software Without Using Folder Locker. . . . And I Will Explain Simultaneously Also About How To Membobolnya. . .

Red text below is a script "folder locker" 
echo muhammadchandra.blogspot.com  
if Exist "Control Panel. (21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D)" goto UNLOCK 
if NOT Exist Locker goto MDLOCKER 
echo Hello pal 
echo Seriously echo nich want on Key?? (Y / N) 
set / p "cho =>" 
if% cho% == Y goto LOCK 
if% cho% == y goto LOCK 
if% cho% == n goto END 
if% cho% == N goto END 
echo Enter Y or N 
ren Locker "Control Panel. (21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D)" 
attrib + h + s "Control Panel. (21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D)" 
echo Folder Unlocked 
pause> nul 
goto End 
echo Please Enter key lock .. 
set / p "pass =>" 
if NOT% pass% == password goto FAIL 
attrib-h-s "Control Panel. (21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D)" 
ren "Control Panel. (21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D)" Locker 
echo Congratulations, Up Success 
echo Folder Already Open 
pause> nul 
goto End 
echo hey echo. . Who Are You? 
echo Try to steal ya .. 
echo Basic echo Maling You. . 
pause> nul 
goto end 
md Locker 
echo Locker echo Successfully in the definition of friend 
pause> nul 
goto End 
: End 
Notice the blue colored writings,, Change Sesuia With Desire pal 
Copy-Paste Scripts Into On-Note Pad 
Namenya With Tulias file extension. Bat (ex: folder.bat) 
Save as type: "all files" 
In order for Safer Security'a: 
Lah Into Change the format. "Exe" with the Software Bat to Exe Converter 
Note: Above Script Article I Get From many 
How to break into the Folder Locker 
From Genesis Existing Research I,, 
There are 2 Ways Membobolnya. . . ::: 
1. Right Click On File locker Cover,, Pileh "edit" 
Then Replace Password'a accordance with your choice 
Genesis Sepertri order to avoid this, the Change File Locker Awal'a Berextensi Cover. "Bat" Being. "Exe". . . . 
The software downloads: Bat to Exe Converter 
2. A second way this way We Can not Use First, Because Locker Files Into Change is in the format. Exe 
So the trick is,, You Make File Locker Password Options What's New With You,, Then Copy this new YG File Locker File Locker In Next Oldest. . (Confused Yes..??) 
Now,, you try the new Open File Locker,, And Fill Password. . . 
Welcome Folder Open. . . 
Ok,, That 's all First Tip From Me,, Hopefully Useful For pal. . 
I Suggest To Safer,, Convert File Locker Cover With Lah Bat to Exe Converter 
"G o o d L u c k " 

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