Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

Make "ERROR SYSTEM" Animation

On-posts posts previously, I have been posting How to Create Animations With Batch File ProgrammingNamely: make-animated-matrix-by-batch
on this happy afternoon. I want to tell you a little information about how to make animation "ERRORR SYSTEM"
The purpose of the "ERRORR SYSTEM" nosy it is that we can to our friends is to make "ERRORR SYSTEM" is full screen

This is just an animation, rather than ERRORR on SYSTEM. .
OK. Let's Try Together Notepad2.Copy - Paste the script below into with the name "apasaja.bat" (without quotation marks) ......... save as type: "all files"

@echo off
title m=[[]] 
color 23
color 49
color 53
color 12
color 45
color 40
color 31
color 32
color 33
color 34
color 35
color 36
color 43
color 24
color 58
color 59
color 24
color 45
color 46
color 47
echo *********************************ERRORR SYSTEM*********************************
goto loop

account after completion. . Try now you open the file that's been made earlier. .In Windows XP this screen could create Full Screen. by pressing "ALT + ENTER"Berkereasilah Match Your Desire
THANK --++--++--++-- KAISH - ++--++--++--

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