Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

RUN version Batch

RUN BATCH version?like probably confused ya .. ?ok... mean ... ok ...RUN is that usually we use the PC to open CMD, REGEDIT, MSCONFIG and etc. ..

RUN BATCH version of this same function with normal RUN ... but the difference with the batch file using the program ....

RUN Batch to try this version ... please follow STEP 2 follows ...
1.opennotepad2.copy - paste the script below into notepad
store under the name "apasaja.bat" (without quotation marks)

@echo off
color 70
mode 40,10
echo ===================
echo = RUN versi Batch =
echo ===================
echo Type name of program, folder, document, or internet resource, and windows will  open it for you.
set /p xx= Open: 
if not defined xx goto awal
if %xx%==%xx% start %xx%
goto awal

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