This program is very simple. . . and his work was satisfactory. . .in these programs have three features. . .[1]. Seeing what files and folders that exist in the directory[2]. Viewing Files and Folders That Terhidden in the directory[3]. Displays a list of all files and folders-folders in the directory. . .
list of files and folders will be in fit in file.txt
if you are interested and want to try:Follow aba2 from me. . .
1.open Notepad2.copy-paste script below into notepad, save with the name "apasaja.bat" (without quotation marks) ... his type "all files"
@echo off
color 0a
title [[--++--muhammadchandra.blogspot.com--++--]]
color 02
echo [1].Daftar File dan Folder
echo [2].Melihat File / folder Yang Terhidden
echo [3].Mendeteksi File-File Yang Ada Dalam Folder
set /p a= :masukkan angka :
if %a%==1 dir
if %a%==2 dir /ah
if %a%==3 dir/s>M.Chandra.TXT
if %a%==3 echo File Akan Dibuat Dalam bentuk M.Chandra.txt
Note: Save "The file is" in the directory where you want to detect files and folders
Thank you so And Good luck ----- ----- May Succeed
Thank you so And Good luck ----- ----- May Succeed
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