In the post this time. . .I want to give a little information. . .that is about "how to create a new folder with batch file programming"
surely you can figure out what the meaning of the title of this post!
okay. .like usually
STEP 2 .. please follow the following . .
copy - paste this code into a red notepadcreate a file name with "apasaja.bat" (without quotation marks)type "all files"
@echo off
title [[ --++--muhammadchandra.blogspot.com--++-- ]]
color 0a
echo ==================
echo = Membuat Folder =
echo ==================
set /p folder= : nama folder =
cd %userprofile%\desktop
md "%folder%"
if you can save on your desktop then the new folder will appear on your desktopif you save it in the directory D: \,, then the new folder will appear in the directory D: \
ok .....so first. ."Good luck"
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